Take a Sip Instead of Putting Chapstick: Best Times to Drink Water

If you understand that drinking enough water is vital to your health, you’re on your way to a healthier body. You deserve a pat on your back every time you drink water instead of soda or juice, which can be high in calories and sugar. You choose to bring healthier nutrients to your body and protect your organs.

Knowing when to drink water during the day (or dark for some night owls) is also important as most mature adults lose about 2.5 to 3 litres of water each day. That is why we should replace the water loss and know when to take a sip.

Best Times to Drink Water

It is essential to drink water consistently throughout the day. Here are the best times to take a sip. 

1. Consume one or two cups of water when you wake up.

Do you feel dehydrated the moment you wake up? The obvious answer is we don’t drink water when we’re sleeping. Rather than making that first caffeinated drink in the kitchen, get yourself a glass or two to start your day, as it removes any toxins and activates your internal organs. 

2. Drink a glass of water 30 minutes before and after a meal.

If you’re keen on losing weight, drinking water before a meal will help you feel more full and prevent you from overeating, according to a study published in 2018. However, make sure not to take it just before and even after a meal, as the water will dilute the digestive juices. So, set that timer, and make it a habit!

3. Take sips during a midafternoon slump.

We can all experience sleepiness or a downward slide of energy after lunch or around 3 PM. With that, this slump triggers many people to get coffee to power through the end of the day. So, instead of making your third cup of coffee, fill up your hydro flask with water and take sips. 

4. Stay hydrated before, during, and after exercising. 

When we say before an exercise, we mean hydrate a day or two before a workout. Slamming water before a workout will lead to feeling bloated as you exercise. Take sips during a workout, and make sure to hydrate well after to replace what you’ve lost through sweat. 

5. Hydrate with a glass before a bath. 

Before you jump in the shower, drink one glass of water. This will help lower your blood pressure. 

6. Have a sip or two before sleep.

To prevent dehydration during sleep, just take a sip or two before bedtime. If you’re wondering why it should just be a sip, the answer is simple: you’ll be forced to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. 

How Much Water to Drink Per Day

According to The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, women should drink 11.5 cups of water (2.7 litres) a day. For men, the general recommendation is 15.5 cups (3.7 litres) a day. However, a lot of factors would alter the amount of water you need, regardless of your gender. 

That is why we have prepared a hydration calculator that determines your ideal level of hydration. All you have to do is fill out your gender, age, height, weight, physical level activity level and current water intake. After you fill-up the details, our hydration calculator will show a guide on how much water you should drink a day in liters.

Benefits of Drinking Enough Water Each Day

As mentioned above, water plays a vital part in maintaining good well-being. Now that you know how much water you should drink per day, it’s also important to know the benefits to keep you on track. Here are the reasons why being hydrated improves your well-being.

  1. Being hydrated can leave a positive effect on cognition, therefore improving brain performance. 
  2. Drinking water promotes digestive harmony–prevents bloating, heartburn, and irregular bowel movements. 
  3. Having enough fluids boosts your energy and keeps you focused throughout the day.
  4. Water helps with weight loss management. 
  5. Staying hydrated lubricates your joints which helps reduce friction between the bones. 
  6. Water cools your body down, gaining better temperature regulation during any physical activity and hot weather. 
  7. Taking sips of water prevents kidney diseases. 
  8. You will have a healthier heart, as it is made up largely of H2O.
  9. Water supports our built-in detox system that removes toxins through urination, breathing, and perspiration. 
  10. Drinking water consistently prevents headaches. 

Almost every part of the human body needs water. Not only can drinking enough water each day help you retain your present health, but it may improve your overall health, exercise better, and work smarter.